Have you got a good life story to tell?
This next sentence might be important for you or your group to consider:

“The most important aspects of a legacy are the family stories more than the possessions!”

- “In aged care, residents have not only lived lives that are rich, complex and long, but few have opportunities to express, articulate and record their values
- There is also a huge need to strengthen their identity through emphasising and reflecting on who they have been.
- Stories are powerful. They are powerful not only because they can influence how we regard the world and ourselves, but also because of their impact on listeners.”

That’s according to a recent survey by Allianz Insurance that revealed that 86% of baby boomers and 74% of those 72 years and older feel that way. So telling your life story (which is what we not only talk to groups about but also help people do) is important and here are some reasons why.
In the April 2016 issue of InPsych, the bulletin of the Australian Psychological Society, there is an article called ‘
Life as a story: The use of digital life story work in residential aged care settings in Australia’
by Associate Professor Sunil Bhar MAPS MCCLP and Mark Silver MSW. The article outlines many of the benefits of telling one’s life story and here are a few of the most salient points:
Indeed, telling stories and passing down the wisdom born from experience can serve a myriad of purposes including good old fashioned entertainment, but also the passing on of customs, traditions, values and beliefs and linking families and reinforcing the storyteller’s own sense of self-worth, purpose and identity through passing on their own experiences.
We’d love an opportunity to make a presentation to you or your group about the benefits of telling stories and to detail how we work.
We help people not only tell their life story but celebrate their life. As a trained therapist and experienced broadcast interviewer, we do this through carefully interviewing the person in the relaxed atmosphere of their own home. The interview is filmed and then edited with loving attention to detail, weaving a story interlaced with photos, documents and other images (if available). The final presentation is a film lasting between 20 and 30 minutes on a personalised, gift-boxed DVD as well as a secure, password protected version on line that can be watched by friends and family worldwide.
Our unique and careful approach will showcase a person’s:
- Personality
- Values and beliefs
- Triumphs and achievements
- Inner spirit and
- Sense of self
Please visit our website at www.thatsmylife.com.au for more information and watch some snippets of happy clients telling their stories.
Thanks for your time and whether you contact us or not, we do hope you will consider the wonderful benefits of documenting one’s life, should it be in writing, audio or on film. Remember, our service is not about a genealogical approach but about capturing the true essence of the person and celebrating their life.
We hope to be able to present to your group soon. We are already listed with Probus and the National Seniors and are taking presentation bookings now.
Cheers and happy story telling!
Alison Crossley & Paul English